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Vaping, Teens & Lung Disease: The Reality
The panic currently gripping the public at the time of writing is at an all-time high. The Current Landscape of Vaping Lung illnesses linked to vaping are popping all over the United States with incidents now appearing in Canada. Here’s the problem: There’s no evidence to suggest traditional vaping is behind the incidents. The CDC however, suspects possible contamination of street-purchased THC products, made to be used in e-cigarette devices. The key phrase in that sentence is “street-purchased”. The media has taken the focus away from this and put it on the fact that these affected users have a history...
Smoke-Free Canada Is The Goal
In the bigger picture, everybody should be trying to create a smoke-free nation (and eventually the world, but one step at a time!) but some groups are either financially motivated for smoking to remain or they are simply ignorant to the benefits of individuals switching. Studies have shown the increased rate of people quitting as vaping became popular. It's no secret that smoking cigarettes cause a whole list of health issues while vaping e-liquid has displayed less than 5% of the risk from smoking. So, surely the goal should be to move smokers away from cigarettes as quickly as possible?...